If you often feel a sensation of spinning, giddiness, or dizziness, and find yourself unsteady while walking, you might be suffering from Vertigo. This condition causes a false sense of movement of your surroundings when you're actually still.
Lords Healthcare Vertigo & Deafness Clinic offers advanced facilities for the accurate diagnosis and treatment of vertigo and deafness. Our comprehensive range of investigations includes pure-tone audiometry, tympanometry, BERA, hearing aid trials, Craniocorpography (CCG), electronystagmography (ENG), and otoacoustic emission (OAE).
Contact Lords Healthcare today to begin your journey towards feeling better and hearing better in no time.
The Lords Healthcare Vertigo & Deafness Clinic offers specialized services for diagnosing and treating balance and hearing disorders. Our dedicated team of experts provides comprehensive care to help you manage and overcome these conditions effectively.
Specialist Consultations
Diagnostic Testing
Treatment Options
Our team comprises:
At Lords Healthcare Vertigo & Deafness Clinic, we are dedicated to providing top-tier care for patients experiencing balance and hearing issues. Our comprehensive services, multidisciplinary team, and patient-focused approach ensure that you receive the best possible care. Whether you need diagnostic testing, treatment, or ongoing management, Lords Healthcare is here to support your journey to better health and well-being.
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